Nov. 2016
Aquarius: You are a vibrant ball of energy this month! 'Assertive' planet Mars entering your sign on the 9th provides raw stamina, great determination and unstoppable will power! Aquarius it's your time to move forward and assert your intentions! Your chart is remarkable for setting the stage for magnificent things to happen in the near future, and right now everything is in your hands. How does it feel to be truly in charge of your destiny? Aquarius, you've been waiting for this for a long time…due to the fact that ruler Uranus has been so busy making change happen…and now it's your turn! So expect to be very busy this month, and a lot of your energy will be used to restructure new plans for success! Yes, the planets provide you with considerable help as they 'jam' into your 'visualization' zone starting on the 12th. The planet Mercury makes it easy to come up with new dreams and new wishes! If you can envision it, it can happen as 'mental' Mercury stirs thoughts to widen your desires for the up coming new year…even though you might not be thinking that far into the future…your planets are a few steps ahead sending you vibrations for change!
The new Moon on the 29th urges you to begin something new and chances are you'll have friends or business buddies giving you positive support! But back to now! This month will be wonderful for having a very passionate love situation with someone new or with someone you already know! After the 11th once 'romantic' Venus 'slips' into your 'privacy' zone you'll only want to spend time with a certain person to see 'what might come of it.' If you're in a committed relationship you'll avoid dealing with friends and family and make some quality moments with the person you love, and if you're seeking a new relationship, you won't have any problems having very personal moments with a new person to see just what the attraction is! You might decide to have a very private Thanksgiving Day celebration, as you only invite a few family members and your loved one to sit down and 'break bread.' The reason is that you too many people tend to create nervousness, and if you really want to enjoy the holiday only the presence of positive and loving people will do! It's totally ok!
Besides the full Moon on the14th alerts you to a couple of issues that a few family members might be immeshed in and you're not trying to get involved. Your home becomes your sanctuary this month. Cleaning and straightening up makes your energy feel much 'lighter.' On the job issues continue to stabilize up until the 21st. Obtaining a stronger understanding with those you work with only improves your ability to perform a better job. You are being viewed as a great asset to your coworkers. Continuing to keep the channels of communication open at work is extremely helpful! The confusion regarding your finances will finally come to an end after your 'money' planet Neptune goes direct on the 19th. Try hard not to only spend before that time. The holidays are just around the corner and you'll need your resources for more personal things! Best Days: 6,7,8,15,16,24,25. Stressful Days: 1,13,14,19,20,26,27,28.