Astro-Tarot Reading for May


The Voyager Deck by James Wanless, PH.D
Reading for the Month:
For the Reading of the Month I use a Three Card spread which indicates, the opportunities of the month to come, the challenges of the month ahead and the best actions to take to meet your goals.
Opportunities For The Month:

'Opportunities For The Month' indicate the new opportunities available for the month of May. The card of Change/The Eight of Worlds appeared. This card has a theme of seasonal changes. Snow drifts are followed by growing green leaves, followed by fall foliage, with Saturn, the planet of time hidden quietly in the background. There is a chameleon suggesting being able to change to your circumstance. This card represents the inevitability of change and how change is required to keep up with the cycles of life. There is a strong suggestion of being flexible, versatile and adaptable. To keep yourself renewed, alert and creative. This card directs you to branch out and continue to grow. Don't get fixed or overly protective for maintaining the status quo. The card's meaning is…to be sensitive to cycles of change, one thing leads to another, time moves on and nothing lasts forever. Don't be afraid of letting situations go.
On the 4th, there is a new Moon in the sign of Taurus. Taurus is the sign of building and accumulating resources. It is the sign of wealth and financial increase. During this new Moon you are stimulated to begin projects that will bring wealth both physically and spiritually into your life. To do work that is worthwhile brings a tremendous wellness to your spirit. This is also a good time to start over new in some situation…to begin over. A few days after the new Moon, mental planet Mercury joins the Moon and inspires new thoughts and ideas for increasing your resources. Look below and see how the new Moon might influence you for the next 30 days…
Aries: Change feels good! The cosmic forces push you towards expansion. A breath of fresh air arrives this new Moon as well as innovative ideas. The time to make a move is here. You need to get more money and you now have the chance to do so. Seek sound suggestions and don't be afraid to try new forms of financial increase...find a new path of income. Best Days: 1,2,3,10,11,19,20,29,30. Most Stressful Days: 8,9,15,16,21,22.
Taurus: You've been itching to make a change for a while and the new Moon gives you the opportunity. Yes, you do enjoy stability, but every now and then something new appears and you must to be open minded enough to go for it. Turn your attention to earning more money. The state of your finances require a change for the better. Make this month work for you! Best Days: 4,5,13,14,21,22,31. Most Stressful Days: 10,11,17,18,24,25.
Gemini: Don't make it so easy for your enemies to sabotage you. Avoid being so open about your plans and the things you're in the process of doing. Not everyone wants you to succeed and do well. Use the new Moon energy and carve out more private and personal time to mentally work things out. The less said to others, the better...you could talk too much! Best Days: 6,7,15,16,24,25. Most Stressful Days: 13,14,19,20,26,27.
Cancer: Your reputation is everything! Refrain from mingling with folks who are involved in seedy activities. Friend or no friend, you are judged by the company you keep. Try to give those you love more positive options of behavior, but keep your distance until you see a definite improvement…for both you and their own good! Some situations are not worth the gamble. Best Days: 8,9,17,18,26,27. Most Stressful Days: 1,2,3,15,16,21,22,29,30.
Leo: You'll have more conversations than usual regarding career issues. The new Moon stimulates talks with coworkers that provide invaluable information. If you're thinking about changing your job or direction at work, now is the time to do so. Great feed back from those you respect bring positive ways to maneuver. Don't be so comfortable that it prevents you moving to the next level. Best Days: 1,2,3,10,11,19,20,29,30. Most Stressful Days: 4,5,17,18,24,25,31.
Virgo: Give other people a chance to know you. Be more receptive to meeting new people this new Moon. Your social circle lacks the vitality that only new acquaintances can provide. This new Moon brings new faces into your life and this is just what's needed for a nice change in your current activities. Get over being shy and make yourself available to meet and greet. Best Days: 4,5,13,14,21,22,31. Most Stressful Days: 6,7,19,20,26,27.
Libra: Let's not play games with your money! Finances might not be an easy topic of discussion, but you must get your fair share of cash regardless of the difficulty. Working hard and not getting what you deserve is unworthy of your efforts and the new Moon turns your attention on getting what you deserve. Speak up and seek financial fairness or get a better job! Best Days: 6,7,15,16,24,25. Most Stressful Days: 1,2,3,8,9,21,22,29,30.
Scorpio: Love matters explode. All the attention you've desired is suddenly yours this new Moon. If you've been lacking affection from a certain person you no longer have to worry about being physically or emotionally neglected. You're surrounded by enormous loving energies this month. If a conversation with your loved ones doesn't work, seek to talk with someone new...why not? Best Days: 8,9,17,18,26,27. Most Stressful Days: 4,5,10,11,24,25,31.
Sagittarius: Give more attention to your personal needs. Make doctor's visits or schedule appointments with your health care providers. Be sure you're in good shape and that your body is functioning well. You now have a chance to redo matters and reshape your future. A healthy state of being is needed for the journey. You can't live on optimism alone! Best Days: 1,2,3,10,11,19,20,29,30. Most Stressful Days: 6,7,13,14,26,27.
Capricorn: You might be in need for a few new friends. You may have discovered a real disappointment with the people you know. Don't worry, the new Moon provides introductions to a whole new group of acquaintances if you're up for it. If a certain person doesn't deserve your loyalty drop them to clear the way for someone with integrity to arrive. You deserve better! Best Days: 4,5,13,14, 21,22,31. Most Stressful Days: 1,2,3,8,9,15,16,29,30.
Aquarius: Go ahead and restructure your personal relationships. The new Moon inspires kinder more loving situations with people you care about. There can be a real need to find ways to communicate with someone who is hard to talk with. Use your intuition to create a path of compassion to gain a stronger understanding. Embrace your heart energy! Best Days: 6,7,15,16,24,25. Most Stressful Days: 4,5,10,11,17,18,31.
Pisces: A determined mindset will throw a lot of people off. Certain people are not expecting fast decisions from you. Being firm in your thinking has been a problem in the past but the new Moon causes you to think with clarity. Using the gift of your inner voice to problem solve will end of few issues as you gain some new respect. Best Days: 8,9,17,18,26,27. Most Stressful Days: 6,7,13,14,19,20.
Challenges For The Month:

Challenges For The Month: The position of 'Challenges' suggest that something arises that could prevent your progress or might block your plans for improvement. Appearing in this position is the card of Balance/VIII. Shown on this card is various items in different stages of balance. On the top of a brilliant diamond is posed a ballerina and a humming bird. A stone face of a woman in the background reveals a water fall and a castle nestled on the top of her head. This card suggests that this month you are challenged to find balance in the mist of change. You are directed to be objective and see both sides of a situation, both pro and con, to be flexible, to think before acting and to be organized. To find balance in your life regardless of the circumstances. On the 18th there is a full Moon in the sign of Scorpio. Scorpio is
the sign of psychic revelation. This will be month where secrets will be uncovered and hidden information discovered. Communication planet Mercury conjoins the Sun during this transit alerting you that the most incredible conversations can happen during the week of the full Moon. Scorpio is also the sign of transformation and personal healing. If there are secrets that have kept you from being at peace or from being able to heal, this full Moon will allow situations to manifest. Also, if there is something you need to know, this is the right time to search for it. The light of the full Moon acts like an 'X-ray' of truth. 'Seek and you will find.' Look below to see how the full Moon in Scorpio might influence you for the next 30 days.
Aries: The truth comes out regarding love this full Moon. The good and the bad needs to be talked about whether the other person likes it or not. Certain matters must be evaluated, if not, this love situation will be broken. The tables can also turn and you're the one getting the advice. Prepare for a dose of needed reality.
Taurus: Problems in love can twist you in knots this full Moon. Stop reacting to negativity and sit still to see what is really going on. You could be totally off track about what the true issue is. If deceptive in your partnership is going on, you'll be pointed in the right direction to find. The answer is not that far away. Look for it.
Gemini: A chance to promote yourself at work materializes this full Moon. A situation surfaces and you're the perfect person for it. Don't hesitate to ask for what you want. You have a lot of cosmic help and it's time you begin to use it. Keep your plans for a new job to yourself. A coworker might want the same and you don't need the extra competition.
Cancer: Avoid desperation in love. Loneliness can be a strong motivator, but staying with someone who impedes your growth will cost you plenty in the long run.There is a big difference is being alone and being lonely. Enjoying the presence of your own company empowers the spirit and strengthens your heart. You'll find the right person soon.
Leo: The best way to keep peace with loved ones is to let them express their grievances. If you've been running into the same issue with the same person, take time to hear what they're saying. This full Moon sensitizes you to the issues of those who truly matter to you. Avoiding things won't make them go away. Deal with them.
Virgo: Your intuition is intensified. The full Moon strengthens your spirit to receive greater psychic information. Not every situation makes sense or has a reasonable or logical answer. You'll be able to dig deeper to find accuracy and resolve important personal issues by 'how you feel' and not what you know. Embrace an intuitive path this full Moon.
Libra: 'There's no success without challenge.' Refrain from thinking that better situations appear without a struggle. Yes, you can get lucky, but that doesn't happen often. If something is blocking your progress, do all to remove it, and if the road to success is longer than expected, prepare yourself for the long haul. The easy way is not always the right way.
Scorpio: You get honest feed back from a loved this full Moon. Your focus on achieving your best might be off and people are concerned about you. If someone wants to give honest advice be open minded enough to listen. Your enemies won't tell you the truth, only those who care for you will step up. Get a reality check and be glad for it!
Sagittarius: Don't ignore that fact that certain are jealous of you. It is true that you have strong protection from your angels, but haters will throw things your way to muddy your path. Keep an eye on your foes and stay sensitive to actions done around the full Moon. You'll know who is working against. Keep your guards up and your prayers active.
Capricorn: Be more attentive with your time. If you've been working on reaching a certain goal and it hasn't materialized, maybe you should hash it out and rethink it. The full Moon adds greater insight into current activities and if you want to know the truth analyze what you're doing. You'll know in your heart if you're on track.
Aquarius: Keep your thoughts to yourself, but focus hard on getting what you want out of your work situation. Making a positive impression on the job comes a lot easier this full Moon as people seem to notice your every action. Act like a boss and move with authority. You will impress those in positions of power. Yes!!!
Pisces: Be brave enough to end situations that lead to nowhere. This includes habits you find comfortable but are unproductive such as taking your time to get things done and relationships with those who don't support your dreams. Discipline is the key to your personal success this full Moon. All you need to determination to make a change and persistence.
Actions To Take:

In the 3rd position of 'Action To Take' during the month of May appears the card of Integrity/Nine of Wands. This card displays places of worship such as a church and a mosque. There is a part of a human vertebrae, a stone faceless image, a pair of Shaman's hands holding a spiritual item, a flock of birds and a mountain top. This card means to have unbending self-determination, to know yourself and value yourself, to have courage to stand alone, to have vision, aspiration and to follow the higher road. You possess everything you need to fulfill your highest destiny. This card directs you to listen to your angels and trust your intuition, to act on your inspiration and turn away from what is not right for you. On the 21st, both the Sun and planet Mercury enter the sign of Gemini. Gemini is the sign of communication and
thinking. Gemini is also the sign that accumulates and disburses information. The actions to take this month is to seek the information you need to rise to a higher level. To communicate with others who might have information to push you in a better direction. This is the time to figure out your issues and brainstorm for the future. Take a look below to see how both the Sun and Mercury in the sign of Gemini might influence you over the next 30 days.
Aries: Discard old decisions that are no longer useful. Just because you decided on a matter doesn't mean you can't change your mind. 'Mental' planet Mercury gives you the flexibility to adjust your thinking and find better ways of problem solving. Avoid being so fixed that you end up being stuck and stagnant. Changing your position makes you wise.
Taurus: Focus on breaking negative habits. Stop doing things what prevent your growth or being with people who interfere with your motivation to progress. Insecurity can be a big issue. If you're not seeing your greatest efforts materialize or visual your highest achievements try surrounding yourself with people who see the greatest in you!
Gemini: Your birthday season opens with lots of optimism! The Sun brings outstanding choices and Mercury causes you to have great self confidence. Choose to align yourself with progressive and powerful people this birthday year. Who you know makes a big difference in available opportunities. Expand your options and opportunities.
Cancer: You'll be forced to keep secrets whether you're in the mood or not! Suddenly you're the one who people run to for advice, but due to the sensitive nature or the subject matter, you'll have to keep stuff to yourself. You're seen as a trustworthy person. Speak from your heart and give the best advice you can. Your words have great power to those who rely on you.
Leo: Stay in touch with friends this month. People really do miss you! The more available you are to socialize allows you to appreciate the people in your life. Be active in conversing and sharing ideas with like-minded people. You just never know who has the answer you're looking for. Exchanging ideas pay off and don't be afraid to let someone you need help. People are there for you!
Virgo: Be more connected to your coworkers this month. Go ahead and talk intently with someone who has lots to share. You'll be amazed at what hidden information has been going on behind your back and is now being handed to you. Take advantage of the info and use it to get ahead. A talk with your supervisor points you on the right path for promotion.
Libra: Your soul craves new surroundings. Consider planning a trip and visiting a different place. Make good on promises to meet up with old friends and share a travel experience. Learning something new doesn't always have to be from a book, a personal involvement can teach you incredible things as well...be open to an exciting travel experience.
Scorpio: Your ability to increase your income raises with the power of Sun. Concentrate on your talents and don't be afraid to use them to improve your finances. Avoid the regret of feeling you can do something and don't do it! If you've longed to work in a certain career field or at a different job, this is the month to sharpen your aim and apply for it. You're luckier than you know!
Sagittarius: Someone is determined to make you smile! Go ahead and rearrange your social circle, you might be in the mood to add a few special people and get a pleasant surprise. Romance is a high priority on someone's list and they plan on making you number one. If you're interested in love look around. That special person can be in your mist right now!
Capricorn: Conversations with coworkers give you the information you've been looking for. If you've felt that you've been kept in the dark, the Sun 'shines' light on your work matters this month. Worry not about being considered too noisy on the job. It is in your best interest to watch your back and stay informed. Knowledge is good! Ask questions!
Aquarius: Take the extra effort to stay in touch with friends this month. Being busy is a struggle, but maintaining loyal relationships require some of your time as well. Plan a get together and see just how much your friendships have grown. People who love you enjoy your spirit. Make space for those who make space for you!
Pisces: Get your home in shape. All those changes you've been wanting to make now fall into place. Possibly you'll be receiving unexpected visitors this month. Old friends and distance family members make plans to come and see you…and you'll be all the better for the visits. This is an excellent time to show hospitality and share your love.
Planetary Movements
On the 4th, there is a new Moon in the sign of Taurus.
On the 6th, the planet Mercury enters the sign of Taurus.
On the15th, the planet Venus enters the sign of Taurus.
On the 15th, the planet Mars enters the sign of Cancer.
On the 18th, there is a full Moon in the sign of Scorpio.
On the 21st, the Sun enters the sign of Gemini.
On the 21st, the planet Mercury enters the sign of Gemini.