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Nov. 2016


Libra: You gain a greater sense of 'groundedness' this month! Your higher self encourages you of becoming more centered and confident in your personal surroundings, and concentrating on the activities of your home. This is the month to 'dig in and deepen' your roots…the place you live and the people you spend a lot of time with can dictate the quality of your existence this month. Ruler Venus being situated in your 'home' sector makes things more agreeable for you, your room mates or loved ones and this is good, because Libra, you need balance, especially at home…and if not, you will deal with disharmony in a very firm way. With Venus requiring attention and lots of 'pleasant' interactions with others, if situations haven't been so 'nice,' you now have a chance of  turning them around or pin pointing what the real problem is. You'll need lots of patience over the Thanksgiving holiday! There's much 'riding' on the future of certain relationships with family members and the holiday can be a positive 'jump off' point.


Try not to be too open emotionally with those people you know are insensitive or those who say crude things. Your planets indicate pressure around Thanksgiving and if you can't deal with it, find a cordial reason for your absence…maybe your level of tolerance will be higher around Christmas! In the mean time, you will be very busy interacting and communicating with friends for most of the month! With 'mental' Mercury visiting your 'communication' zone on the 12th your mind is bursting with all sorts of innovative ideas that you can't wait to share with others. Advising a close friend can end up being one of your 'choices of good will.' A friend can be embroiled in a serious problem and turns to you for advice and you're there to help them anyway you can! But conversations on any level will bring a great benefit to you…with the addition of the Sun and new Moon on the 29th problems can disappear as solutions materialize.


This is an excellent month to focus on learning or studying for tests and exams. Your brain receives enormous assistance and learning information seem to be more understandable. Hopeful things are progressive around your finances? The full Moon on the 14th redirects your attention to your financial management and spending. The good news is that Neptune, the ruler of your 'work' zone goes direct on the 19th, meaning that any confusion you had regarding your job will quickly disappear and you'll be able to make solid plans for your career future. Someone can be very pushy in love after the 9th. The 'dynamic' energy of the planet Mars causes a certain person to be more direct and aggressive concerning their feelings for you. Actually this can be a truly exciting situation! You might need something 'sweet' to take your mind off all your responsibilities and after the 9th there will be a very ready, willing and able someone! Best Days: 6,7,8,15,16,24,25. Stressful Days: 4,5,11,12,17,18.

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